Completely unrelated to the formidable Riesling grape of Germany, Welschriesling is a white wine variety widely planted throughout eastern and central Europe. Its most famous incarnation is found in the rich, late harvest wines (up to trockenbeerenauslese level) produced on the shores of the Neusiedlersee in Burgenland, in Austria. Welschriesling may lack the aromatics of Riesling but its hallmark acidity is a prized quality in sweet wines. The typical style of Welschriesling is dry, made into light, early-drinking wines, esp. in the Weinviertel, Burgenland, and Styria regions of Austria. Welschrizling is also planted in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary (known as Olasz Rizling) Slovenia (as Laski Rizling), in the Czech republic and Slovakia (as Rizling Vlassky), in Croatia (under the name of Grasevina). The Italians call it Riesling Italico (as opposed to Riesling Renano, which is the Riesling of Germany).