Van Volxem

Van Volxem is located at the centre of Wiltingen, the most celebrated commune of the Saar Valley. Rising in the Vosges Mountains and joining the more famous Mosel near Trier, the Saar river is home to some of the finest and most dramatic slate vineyards in Germany.

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Learn more about Van Volxem

Located on the site of a Jesuit monastery, Van Volxem has been restored to its former glories by the investment, initiative and flair of Roman Niewodniczanski. Standing tall at 2.4 metres (not far off 7 feet, I reckon) and not without lofty ambitions, Roman is determined to make this the finest property in Germany. Ambitious indeed, and thus far he’s threating to fulfil this ambition. Eschewing the constraints of the Prädikat system, Roman is making late-harvest, low-yield vins de terroir, and making them very well indeed.